This page is where our team of student Science Ambassadors will be posting regular activities to do at home to make up for the fact that they can’t run ASP’s Primary Science Club during the current school closures.
Have you ever wondered how radioactive a banana is? Well, find out from Ambassador Alfie by watching the video below and learn all about radioactive decay with Ambassadors Freddie and Zebedee by completing the radioactive lego experiment:
- Video: How radioactive is a banana?
- Radioactive decay lego/dice activity:
Test acidic foods to see how much foam they make when mixed with bicarbonate of soda and washing up liquid using these instructions from Science Ambassador Joe.
Investigate frequency, wavelength, pitch, and force using only a ruler with this worksheet from Science Ambassador Jai.
Here’s an exciting video to show how much energy can be transferred from the sugar in a Jelly Baby! You can’t do this at home so Science Ambassador Ross and Chemistry Teacher Mr.Goodman have done it safely for you. See if you can use the video to answer the questions on the worksheet:
Investigate dissolving with our Science Ambassador team’s instructions and questions to see what you found out:
An interesting kitchen chemistry investigation by Science Ambassador Zebedee: Making Shiny Pennies
Three resources on electromagnets by Science Ambassador Alfie and the team:
- A video with an exciting demonstration: The Electromagnetic Train
- A worksheet for your own investigation
- A quiz on magnetism to try at home or in school
Soap powered boat experiment sheet by Science Ambassador Jai – make a model boat powered by soap!
Soil analysis experiment sheet by Science Ambassador Jake – separate your soil into layers and find out what it’s made from.
Invisible handwriting experiment sheet + video by Science Ambassador Alexandre – make invisible ink using lemon juice and find out why it works.
Walking water science experiment worksheet and video by Science Ambassador Harry – defy gravity using capillary action!
Lava lamps – Science Ambassador Cameron’s worksheet shows you how to make your own lava lamp.
Rubber egg experiment – who doesn’t want to make a Rubber Egg with Senior Science Ambassador James?