Please contact us to discuss any access enquiries and/or if you have any suggestions for how we can improve. When booking a workshop, please provide any details that you think are important for us to know in the booking form.
- There is step-free access, via a drop kerb in front of Faringdon Lodge, from the Coach Park to the Science Partnership Lab, which is located on the ground floor. A lift is available if access to other floors is required.
- There is one designated disabled parking space available in the Coach Park in front of Faringdon Lodge. Please could you let us know if you would like a disabled parking space so that we can reserve more spaces if necessary.
- A locked disabled toilet is located on the ground floor.
- The height of the desks in the Science Partnership Lab from the floor to the bottom of desk is 78cm. The height of four of the desks can be lowered.
- A set of ear defenders are available in the Science Partnership Lab. We endeavour to warn pupils and teachers prior to loud noises.